1. Real name : Teo Valentine
2. Age and country : 17 Greece
3. Username in csm : Gewen
4. League : 1.1
5. Average age, average value and average skill points :
Average age
Current: 14.40 (last week: 14.40)
Average value
Current: 21 195 (last week: 20 574)
Average skillpoints
Current: 197.60 (last week: 191.80)
6. Trophies :
just a gold friendly league trophie(rebuilders league).
7.How activ would you be on the forum and CSM if you join TwA?
I am active and i check CSM and forum 24/7..though i aint much of a speaker so dont expect me to 'spam' forum often,but be sure ill be watching.
8. Why do you want to join our community ?
I want to join your community because i think it has decent managers and teams with potentials.
9. Your messenger / msn / gmail etc mail or ID
10. Tell us about your finances in CSM(NOT your coins)
my profit is at least 6k per week.i manage well with betting.i will waste all my money in lan camps.i aim for the top,honesty.
11.Screenshots of your "finance report and your players" from the day your application is made
12.which of these games do you play? CS 1,6/CS 1,5/CSS/None
All of em really
13.Copy and paste from your profile on CSM "member since" and "logins"
Member since: 2007-05-16 17:25 (198 days)
Logins: 454 (Last: 2007-12-01 09:32:45)
thank you for your time